Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today was a great day in San Jose! I ended up not sleeping much last night and instead stayed up talking with Brian (the owner of Hostel Galileo) and J.J. (the rugged pineapples bartender, which is the hostel bar).
Enjoying our walk to the market
They are two amazing people and helped me to remember what this trip is all about... Making new friends and reconnecting with the things that are important in life. We were all able to open up and talk about significant things in our lives and ended up having the best conversation that kept us up most of the night. Although I am tired now, we are going to power through in order to celebrate Katie's 26th birthday at midnight. I did love seeing the Costa Rica sky lighten to a beautiful purple as the sun rose.

Once Katie awoke we ventured out to the local market which was a bustling metropolis of people and vendors. We really loved exploring the open warehouse market. I toyed with the idea of buying a backpack because I fear that my bag is just not going to cut it... as great as the bag I currently have is, it is also really hard to handle down the streets and I am worried it is only going to get worse as our trip progresses. I do feel like I will be happy that I brought so many clothes once we get settled.

Once we got into the market it was amazing! I have seen a few open vendor markets between some times I have spent in Mexico and also in Washington DC but this market was really large containing everything from fresh meats and cheeses to the latest cute sandal styles of Costa Rica. I am hoping to pick a cute pair of earrings or something out for Katie tomorrow for her birthday. I spent a lot of the time I was up last night without Katie discussing how we are going to make her birthday awesome tomorrow and I am really excited that we get to share her special day with our new friends at the Galileo.

Once in the marketplace we were faced with many decisions about what to cook for dinner and we found the meat market particularly intriguing. J.J. helped us decide on cheese burgers and he proceeded to not only carry our grocery bags homeme but then whip us up the most amazing burgers. The whole hostel s thanks anjiy thereapts thins sn din of leai We also sat down family style at the bar and aand dont go to ther eTrica. I am so sleepy I can't believe I managed to get this much ao a lotaa  that I am ready to go. wanaas citty. Ok good night an I lov e ou aoo@


  1. Happy Birthday Kate
    This will be a memorable birthday for sure ;-) Looks like Kirby is working to make it your best ever!
    We are happy to hear the trip is going so well already. I am sure it will make your travels thru the countryside more relaxed. Remember the lectures from me, Grandma and your Aunt!
    We love our favorite daughter and can't wait to hug you again
    Mom & Daddy

  2. What up girl!! So nothing like walking around open air markets shopping for the latest costa rican trends huh. I know it's your birthday but don't forget about lookin for a mask for me. I'm sure they have some cool ones in those markets. Well everyone here is very jealous of you two! Dont disappoint, go out and live it up and enjoy. I'm sure you will have no problem celebrating a great birthday. Love both of you guys! Stay safe. Pick up some pepper spray just incase. Or a small taser. Never know when you two beautiful girls may need it.

  3. Happy Birthday Kate. A new pair sandals is a must. You can never have too many! The open air market sounds fantastic, lots of local goodies to try. Be safe, look forward to your next post. Love, S, R & E

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! YAY for the market! Yay for K/K! Yay for new backpack!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoooxoxoxxoxoo
