Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunset on Costa Rica

It seems like just yesterday we were living in the House of Dreams and starting every day off with a beautiful breakfast of coffee, nutella and toastlettes, and our beloved volcano.  How things have changed...  It's been over a year since our return and we've started making progress toward our careers - Katie as a high school science teacher and Kirby as a chef and possibly someday a restaurant owner or catering extraordinaire. 

Now that we’ve settled back into life in California, we’re finally finding the time to put up an entry that was meant to be our final blog post for Costa Rica.  It's just a little over a year late... 

Here they are - our favorite sunsets during our trip to Costa Rica.  We tried to whittle them down to the top 10, but decided to just throw them all up there.  The pictures are the best part of blogs, right? Enjoy!

Our Beloved Volcano - the view from the balcony on the House of Dreams
The sun setting during our road trip with Shuli to the Nicoya Peninsula

More Volcano - we literally have hundreds of these!
The beach at Manuel Antonio

Near Golfito, during our trip to the Osa Peninsula

Golfito, the view after our day in San Jimenez

Manuel Antonio again

And again... this time from the Vista Serena hostel

The south-east coast of Costa Rica

We just couldn't help ourselves with this volcano!!! The cloud action was so amazing...

How good can life get!?  Yup, that's our pool in the foreground... We miss you, house of dreams.

OK, this is getting embarassing... we had a serious love affair with this volcano!

A little bridge in Grenada, Nicaragua

On the bus, leaving La Fortuna for the last time

Manuel Antonio

And that's it... the sun has set on our Costa Rican adventure.  Time flies when you're having fun...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

La Casa de Yadira

Here we are in our last few days in Costa Rica! What an amazing trip this has been! I can’t believe how much we have seen and done and packed into these past three months. It has been incredible and I loved every minute. We have been relaxing at Yadira’s the past few days and it has been a great way to wind up our trip. We heard about Yadira from our friend Kai who we road tripped with to the Osa Peninsula. He stayed with Yadira while having some dental work done in Alajuela which is just a 30 minute bus ride away from San Jose and also very close to the airport. Kai heard about Yadira from his friend Ana who also stayed with Yadira while traveling and doing some work here in Costa Rica. So it is through this chain of people that we have been lucky enough to meet and stay with the wonderful woman and her family. Yadira came highly recommended from Kai as being a great hostess and an exceptional chef. Katie and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to stay in a cozy Costa Rican home, practice our spanish a little more before heading home, and try out Yadira’s tasty food. 

Katie and I were so stoked to leave San Jose and get to Yadira's to enjoy her good food, quiet home and time to finish up our photo organization projects and blogs. We stayed at Galileo long enough to blast out another blog post, then joined the early evening commuters on their way from downtown San Jose to Alajuela.  Our directions from Yadira were to take the bus to the last stop in Alajuela and then call her from one of the payphones nearby.  The bus was already really crowded when we got on and since I had my beastly huge Jeep luggage with me I couldn't fit through the front entrance, so Katie stayed up there to pay for us and I dragged the Jeep up the back steps and found a place to wedge it and myself in the crowd of people standing at the back.  In the front of the bus, Katie found a seat next to a nice lady and gathered some valuable information.  First of all, we weren't quite sure how we would know that we were at the end of the line because some of he buses run in loops, so it's not always clear where the "last stop" is.  The lady told her that we would know it was the last stop because everyone on the bus would have to get off.  Secondly, we had seen temporary bleachers constructed all along Paseo Colon and Katie was wondering what that was all about as well.  That's when we found out about the Festival of Lights!!  Along with helpful hints about getting there early to find a good spot and not bringing a big purse with us because there could be lots of pickpockets in the crowd.  

After we got to Alajela the bus started to clear out so Katie made her way back to my little luggage camp and relayed the info to me.  When we saw everyone get off the bus we joined them and walked over to the payphones to call Yadira and let her know we had arrived!  We told her we would wait for her on the corner by the bus station, payphones, and Pali.  We were so excited to meet her and looked expectantly at every middle-aged woman who walked by. Could she be Yadira? Her? Who is this mystery woman inviting us into her home!? 

Even though we didn't know what we were looking for, we were sure that she would have no problem finding us.  We'd told her that we had all our luggage with us so we'd be easy to spot. We were having a great little time on that corner laughing about how easy we would be to spot because with all our luggage, purses, and of course our non-Costa Rican faces we were like a bright light blinking "GRINGA! GRINGA!".  There were a few police on the corner as well and they asked us why we were standing on the corner for so long (by now it had been about 15 minuets and we'd been expecting her in less than 5).  We told them we were meeting someone. No, we didn't know what she looked like. No, we didn't know her exact address.  They informed us that we were in a very dangerous part of town and shouldn't be standing on the corner with all our stuff.  We started to get nervous, realizing that our Gringa beacon could be attracting people with less positive intentions than Yadira.  They stayed with us on the corner, protecting us, while I backed up against a wall to protect the thousands of dollars of computer equipment I was carrying on my back and Katie got pregnant with a very misshapen purse baby.  We called Yadira again and it turns out she looking for us on a different corner, 3 blocks away, with a Pali, payphones, and bus station.  The tourist police sent us off to her with strict instructions to walk quickly and not talk to anyone.  We were so happy to see Yadira and her little 4x4 to carry us and all our luggage safely to our new home!

Yadira and her family host students who come to Costa Rica to study. Right now she is hosting one student named Jonathan. We haven’t met him yet but soon will because he is on his way back tonight. Yadira is the sweetest woman and boy can she cook!!! We have been so spoiled these past few days by not only not worrying about what to feed ourselves but looking forward to each meal Yadira prepares. She is truly a culinary artist putting time, effort, and love into all she cooks. In the past few days we have eaten like queens and while I am enjoying all the food I fear that I may be putting back on some of the pounds I lost while hiking around on this trip.

Every meal had been so delicious and no two plates have been the same! A far cry from most of the traditional Costa Rican dishes we have been trying at various restaurants which often are not too flavorful and always the same. We have gotten to try some traditional Costa Rican dishes prepared by Yadira including Olla de Carne (a soup made with beef and vegetables - YUM!), empanadas (some of the best we have tried except for the ones sold at the Caribe bus terminal, those are prettty delicious also), and Casados de Yadira (with meat, rice and beans, platanos, and salad just like the regular casados we have been eating at restaurants but 10 times more delicious because prepared by Yadira!). Yadira makes even rice and beans taste great!

After we savor the last bite of our delicious meal...

It's time for dessert!!

All this delicious food has been just what Katie and I needed to help fuel us through the end of our projects. As you know if you are reading this we have been keeping up on this blog and documenting our entire trip with tons of photos. Not wanting to go home without finishing the blog we have been working overtime to finish up the last of our stories. We have also been working really hard to organize the thousands upon thousands of photos we have taken in the past three months. Looking back on all the pictures of our spectacular adventures has been really fun but a lot of work and without Yadira’s food to power us forward I don’t know how we would get through it all! Our eyes have been straining to see the minute details in each picture to help us narrow them down into favorite folders we can share with family and friends upon our return home. Our eyes have been so tired that Katie has resorted to typing with her eyes closed which we have been calling zombie typing. It is a funny sight to see! Unfortunately, tomorrow we are heading back to San Jose to have access to the internet and blast all the blogs we have been working on. 

Our last meal at Yadira's. Sad but DELICIOUS!!!

We will miss Yadira and wish we could stay longer but are looking forward to a great feeling of satisfaction when all our hard work is done and we can sit back and pat ourselves on the backs for a job well done! 

La Festival de Las Luces

The Festival of Lights!!! 

Part of the Costa Rican Christmas tradition, this annual festival is a parade of marching bands, floats, and an explosion of Costa Rican Christmas pride! People come from all over the country to line the downtown street, Paseo Colon, with chairs, coolers, and crates to stand on.  The festival doesn't begin until dark, obviously, since it's all about the lights! The crowd is there long before that, however, and patiently waits for hours to secure the best viewing location.  We arrived in town a few hours before the sun went down to squeeze out a blog post, then the sound of the drums and festivities outside drew us into the streets to join the fun. The marching bands line up right in front of our favorite hostel, Galileo, so we were able to steal our friend Bryan away to join us for the festivities.  We came. We saw. We blog.
Starting things off with a bang!!!! 
Hard to see, but the Cheerleaders are not only wearing mini stiletto boots but also have Feliz Navidad embroidered on their stylish jackets!

Such detailed costumes! Every person in the parade had their face decorated in some way or another.  The guy on the right's red and white shirt says "Christmas is more than gifts".  Yes, in Costa Rica it's also about getting all dressed up and dancing through the streets.

The first time we got to hang out with Bryan outside of the hostel! That place is like a vortex.

Have you seen a cuter Christmas elf?!

We got to watch the behind-the-scenes action! Here they are perfecting their moves.  The girl in the center really knew how to work it

Check out the puffball fingers!

Perhaps our favorite costumes of the night for obvious reasons

We wanted to get a picture with the feathered headdress girls, but we settled for this guy.

Check the attitude on this Tica. Ready to walk the streets!

The band letting their instruments rest up before the big march

The Golden Child

Robot Powered Christmas!

The band and Galileo. We've had coffee on that very balcony! Usually the view isn't this good, though. Just buses and cars and lots of horn honking. And sometimes juggling. And fire throwing.

Burbujas! Burbujas! (that means bubbles, one of our FAVORITE spanish words!)

It's not easy gettin' all these pics! We were on our tiptoes for hours.  Should have worn our high heels. hahahahahhahahahaahh!!!!

Day Demon

As some of you may know, our little Katie is very sun conscious. She is always the first to be seen at the beginning of each day slathering up with sunscreen and making sure every patch of skin is protected with a generous amount. While on our trip here in Costa Rica we have been doing lots of hiking and enjoying lots of time outside. It has been a real challenge for Katie to keep up with the sunscreen and block out these strong equator rays. While the use of sunscreen is helpful, Katie prefers to just have no sun on her skin at all. We always try to find the shady spot on the beach and walk on the shady side of the street during the day. After purchasing a stylish explorer hat, Katie was even better prepared to combat the sun. Opting for even further protection Katie can often be seen wearing a sweater in the heat of the day or draped in her handy wrap which she always carries with her. 

One day on our road trip with Shuli, Katie was wearing her sweatshirt and she put up the hood. Shuli and I began to laugh at how silly this looked and said that she looked like a demon. A day demon, since normally demons come out in the dark but this one only shows itself during the day. And so the joke began. Katie was the day demon. I really liked seeing day demon in a variety of settings and enjoying many different activities. It became a hobby of mine along our travels to capture day demon in action. 

Day Demon enjoying a nice beach day in the shade!

Day Demon enjoys a variety of activities, like kayaking...

Eating Corn Flakes in a field...

Drinking juice on the dock...

Sometimes Day Demon reveals herself to be the cute little Katie she is but always remembers to keep her chest, shoulders and face covered!

Day Demon loves road trips!

And Photography!

So stylish Day Demon!

I joke and tease her but I do believe that all this sun protection is going to keep our beautiful Katie looking young and fresh for years to come! Her demon ways have even rubbed off on me and I have been taking equal measures to guard against the sun. It is lucky that Katie's Aunt Jewel is an expert in skin care and has shared lots of wise advise about the importance of sun protection. Her mom and grandma are also big fans of the shade so Katie has had years of training in her Day Demon ways. In 50 years when Katie and I are sitting in our rocking chairs talking about the good old days we will be looking fabulous and wrinkle free!